Our BESA trained staff carry out TR19 kitchen extract cleans. We produce detailed post clean reports, with future recommendations and cost effective solutions for any issues identified.
Ventilation systems often run through the fabric of the building and it can often be hard to reach all areas. We have recently invested in the most up to date Lifa Equipment (rotary brushes) to ensure we can reach these areas and give our client a complete solution.
Full ventilation service from cleaning the AHU's and replacing filters, through to cleaning all your ductwork and grills. We ensure that your ductwork is cleaned free of any contamination or debris. This results in the ventilation system operating more efficiently and improving the quality of the air in your buildings. We regularly work in hospital environments and can ensure your systems comply with HTM 03-01.
Reassurance that risk of fire in your commercial kitchen is significantly reduced & meets industry specification. Including auditing, ensuring our clients are fully compliant with TR19 and their building insurance.
Terms & Conditions